Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mint Chocolate "Bark" for the Holidays!

The hoilday season is one of my favorite times of year. There's nothing like the month of December! Soon, Christmas will be around the corner and then, the New Year. 

For the month of December, I will make at least one sweet treat to share with others.  It adds to the season and makes the days even more memorable.

Today, I brought fudge and chocolate mint "bark" for my co-workers to enjoy.  It was incredibly easy to make and very good too.

1 (10 oz) pkg of Nestle dark chocolate and mint morsels
1/3 cup chopped roasted almonds (or other nut). 

Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees
Pour the chocolate morsels into a 9X11 pan lined with foil or parchment pape. 
Bake chocolate for 1 -3 minutes.
Remove from oven and swirl with a thin object, such as a tooth pick (I used a chopstick because that's all I had!)
Add the chopped nuts on top. (Hit the bottom of the pan on a hard surface to keep nuts in chocolate)
Chill in fridge for 1 or more hours.
Break the chocolate into pieces once hard

Bake for 1-3 minutes, then swirl!

Cool in fridge until hardened

Break it up!
The chocolate mint bark was one of the easiest recipes ever and everyone loved it!  It's affordable and a great addition to a gift.

For actual recipe and more,

Nestle Toll House

Merry Christmas!

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