Saturday, December 5, 2009

Simple Somen Noodle Recipe

Somen is one of the easiest things to make for lunch or for dinner.  It's a popular dish in Japan, especially during the summertime.  It's also healthy and you can eat it hot or cold.


1 pkg. somen noodles
1 bottle memmi/somen soup base
2-3 cucumbers
3-4 eggs
1/4 lb. ham (unless you are vegetarian)

Grated daikon (white radish) for soup, wasabi, and chopped green onion (if desired)

Boil a pack of somen noodles.  There are diferent types.  The white noodles are very popular, but the buckwheat is healthier for you.

Once boiled, rinse with cold water. Drain.  Normally, noodles are made into portion pieces, so it's easy to grab with your chopsticks.  Basically, grab a handful of noodles and coil.  Place in dish.

Although you can purchase a somen specific soup base, Memmi sauce can be used for somen and for other Japanese soup bases too.  Add 1 part memmi sauce to a bowl and 4 parts water.  Adjust taste as necessary.  The soup base can be heated up or it can be eaten cold.  I eat it cold, pouring it into my bowl with water.  It's less work!

Shred cucumbers

Mix eggs


Cut into pieces

I only used cucumber and egg, although it would have been nice to add other things.  However, simplicity wise, it's the perfect meal and very affordable too.

You add the egg and cucumbers to your soup, as you like.  When it's done, you can add more to your soup.  Just continue adding what you like to your soup, eating out of your bowl and filling up as necessary.  If the soup base gets watery from the cucumbers, add more sauce.  Continue eating!

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