Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The 2012 Great Aloha Run

On Monday, it was another fun-filled day at the Great Aloha Run. 

I always love running in the GAR.  I love the energy of the crowds and determination of the people.  It's a struggle to weave through them. There are so many!  But at the same time, it's very motivational to see all of the runners come out to support charities throughout Hawaii (or to exercise!).

Thank you to all of the volunteers who passed out water, played music, and cheered us on!

This year, I got lucky.  My friend secured a free ticket for me since someone we know didn't plan on running this year.  I was fortunate enough to get his ticket and forgo paying $38 bucks.

I finished the 8.15 mile run at 1 hour and 24 minutes.  I am happy.  I beat my time last year.  I only wish I didn't get cramps after the 5th mile.  I didn't listen to my body and continued to run, but when your body screams for you to stop, it's better to listen.  I didn't listen right away and ended up with painful, crippling stomach cramps for half the day.  It felt like someone kicked me in the stomach. Thank God that feeling is over!

At the end of the race, it is the most exhilarating feeling.  There's nothing like exiting the stadium to grab treats and your finisher's t-shirt - cramps or no cramps.  This year, they had coconut water, a real treat after a long run.

I am so glad to have run in the GAR this year!  It is the last time I will be able to run in the GAR (for a long time!) because I will be leaving the islands soon and do not know when I will return. 

Good luck to all of you 2013 GAR runners!